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The Lunge Workout: What You Should Know

Lunges are staple workouts, allowing you to tone your body, especially you butt, core and legs, and increase muscle mass to develop strength in the lower body. Lunges not only improve building better backside, but the mechanics, strength and flexibility developed by these workout groups go on with every other aspect of life.

Three things you need to keep in mind for lunge workout:

  1. Form a proper posture: Stand tall straight, chin up, arms at your side and keep your shoulders calm and relaxed. When you forward one leg, down your hips until you form 90 degree angle at both knees. Your front knee should be directly above your ankle and another knee stays off the ground. Stand straight again and do the same with another leg.
  2. Scissor your feet together: Not engaging glute and hamstring properly is a common mistake people do when lunging leading to collapsing front knee and less stability throughout the workout. To avoid this, when pushing up from the floor, picture that you are trying to pull your back toe and front heel toward one another like a scissor. This increases glute and hamstring activation enabling you to bear more weight and move better.
  • Keep movements slow: When lunging, people often rushing with their movements which is ineffective and increases the risk of getting injury. Instead, pay attention to proper stance, and focus on mechanics slowly and purposefully than rushing out of wasteful reps.

The Workout

Complete 2 sets of 10 repetitions of each following lunge workouts on each side. Take half to a minute rest between each set.

TRX Step back lunges

Start with holding TRX straps fully extended or slightly loose, keep elbows straight down at 90 degrees. Take a step back with dropping your back knee making a stance of both front and back knee a 90 degree angle. Load all the weight on the front heel without touching the floor with your knee and push yourself back to stand up.

The Lunge Workout
The Lunge Workout

Split squat

Start in a split leg stance, forward one leg and another on the back having about a foot space in between. Lower your hips and bend your knees to 90 degree with flexibility. Stand up to get back to initial stance and repeat the same process alternating with other leg.

Walking lunges

Stand straight and take a step forward with your right leg bending both knees slowly keeping your back knee a bit above the ground. Stand back again and step forward with your left leg the same way you did with your right leg and continue the process.

Lateral lunges

Stand tall and take an extended step to your left side. Push your hips lower and back; and slowly bend your left knee to 90 degrees. Push back to starting position, complete all reps or alternate with your right feet.

Jump lunges

Jump upward from a lunge position, switch front leg position to back and back leg position to front when you land while maintaining the stance. While keeping you back upright, try not to let your knees move forward past your toes or collapse inward.

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