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10 Move for Home Core Workout

10 Move for Home Core Workout

The core is mainly linked with the ab muscles. However, there are more significant factors to consider. The abs and the lower back muscles constitute the core, the hip muscles can also be included. The reality is that it takes more to work on your core, you are likely to miss out if you concentrate only on your abs. Your core workout at home should involve abdominal work with exercises that prompts you to balance the spine and pelvis. According to Max Gordon, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, individuals should adjust their mindset when they are working out at home.




Situps- Hands Behind Head

Situps are a type of classic exercise. For years the Us government has been using them to assess the core strength and endurance of their trainees. Normally, they are done with your hands wrapped over your chest but you perform them harder by placing your hands at the back of your head.

The Move:Lie on your back.

Use weight to support your feet if you like.

Bend your knees and keep your feet firm on the ground.

Your feet have to be 6 inches to a foot in front of your buttocks.

Place your hands at the back of your head

Exhale, support your abs, and sit up.

Lower yourself down again.

Carry out 3 sets of 10 reps.

Situps- Hands Behind Head

Copenhagen Side Plank

This is performed with the inner thigh muscle otherwise known as the abductor’s muscle.

The move:Lie on your side and keep your legs straight.

Place your upper foot on the bench, couch, or chair.

Keep the leg at the bottom out.

Hold up your hand, keeping your elbows straight.

Raise your hips to allow your body to form a straight line. Start in a plank position with your forearms on the ground. Dig your toes in and lift your body into the air so it forms a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Now that you’re in the plank position, slowly reach your right arm forward. Extend it out, slowly pull it back and put it down on the ground. Then, switch arms. Do your best to avoid rocking side-to-side. Continue to alternate for 10 reps on each side. Perform three sets.

Copenhagen Side Plank

Plank with Reach

The abdominal muscles and other core muscles that support your spine and pelvis are the main focus of the plank position.


The move:

Your forearms should be on the ground when you begin in a plank position. Your body should make a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles as you plant your toes and raise yourself into the air.

Reach your right arm slowly forward while still holding the plank position. Put it down on the ground after fully extending it and then slowly drawing it back.

Next, alternate arms. Make every effort not to sway from side to side.

Ten reps on each side are completed by continuing to alternate. Make three sets.


Crunches on Stability Ball

You can increase your range of motion by using a stability ball.


The move: Place your feet firmly on the ground while sitting on a stability ball.

Lay back on the ball until it is beneath your lower back as you slowly advance your feet forward.

Put your hands behind your head and your feet firmly on the ground.

Pull your ribs down and bring your shoulders up as you slowly crunch up. As high as you can, then descend again.

Attempt three sets of 10 repetitions.

Crunches on Stability Ball

Lateral Crawl

Your pelvis and spine are forced to be stabilized in a way that you probably aren’t used to doing while you’re crawling on the ground.


The move: Begin by getting down on all fours, with your back straight and your knees up.

With your right foot, move to the right.

Lift your left hand at the same moment and put it close to your right.

Next, step out with your right hand while bringing your left foot into contact with your right foot.

Then turn around and repeat the previous 5 times.

Perform this exercise for 30 seconds, then take a break.

Do three sets of this.


Bicycle Crunch

The bicycle crunch engages your obliques while working your abs by combining a crunch with a twisting action.


The move:

The starting position is backward with your lower back pressed firmly into the ground.

Bend your legs at a 90-degree angle as you lift them into the air.

Your hands should be behind your head.

Turn to the right and contact your left knee with your right elbow.

Reach out straight with your left leg at the same moment.

In the opposite direction, slowly turn, and touch your right elbow to your left knee.

Three sets of 10 repetitions on each side should be performed.



The stability ball is used for this. It demands focus and inner strength.


The move:

Start in a plank position on a stability ball.

Your feet should be on the ground and your forearms should be on the ball. Keep your knees straight and space your feet out a few feet.

Swing your arms slowly around the ball.

Count five in a clockwise direction and five in a counterclockwise direction. Draw larger circles to increase the difficulty.

Perform three sets.


Plank with Leg Lift

Another variation of the plank is to add a leg lift. This is a similar concept to the reach with your arms. When you lift one limb you lose stability and the rest of your body (particularly the core muscles) needs to tense up to compensate.


The move: Start in a plank position with your forearms and toes on the ground.

Lift your body so you form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Keeping your body centered and without turning your hips, lift your legs one at a time then put them back down.

Move slowly and with control.

Perform 10 lifts with each.



This is a strenuous core exercise that calls for some tools. Use a dish towel under your feet to help you slide on a hardwood floor. A pair of ValSlides carpet sliders should be purchased if all you have is carpet.


The move: Slide your dish towel or carpet sliders under your feet, you should be able to slide both feet.

Put your forearms on the floor and start in a front plank posture. Maintaining a plank position, progressively reclining while maintaining straight legs and balanced hips.

Push yourself forward until you’re back in the plank position, then slide back a few inches.

Attempt three sets of 10 repetitions.


Dead bugs

According to certified personal trainer Rachel Sneeden, the dead bug is one of the best exercises for improving core strength and stability.


The move:

Lie on your back with your legs in the air and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle.

Your arms should be straight up and toward the ceiling. Inhale and lower opposite limbs to the ground.

As you move, keep your lower back flat against the ground.

You’ve completed the exercise when your arm and leg are straight.

Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Perform three sets of ten repetitions on each side.

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